sun people etape 01 / Kerteminde 2022

Sun People Fragments #01.01 - #01.10 (2022), plaster and ink displayed on plywood, 160 x 120 x 26 cm.
Installation photo, MULT exhibition, Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen 2022.
Installation photo, MULT exhibition, Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen 2022.

Sun People Contributor Certificate and Fragment Certificate, each 21 x 15 cm.
Documentation photo.
Documentation photo.
In the summer 2022 at the ArtWeek Kerteminde I invited people to become part of Sun People | We all share the light of the same sun. 11 people joined me and contributed by letting me cast a small fragment of their body. Thank you very much! Each person received a Contributor Certificate documenting that they contributed and that they are part of this artwork. Each of the Sun People fragments has its own Fragment Declaration. My dream is that the fragments may spread around the world along with the message.

Sun People Statement